JayHackers Place 3rd in Regional Cyber Defense Competition
KU’s Information Security Club, the JayHackers, participated virtually in the At-Large Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (ALCCDC). Two KU EECS teams, one from the Lawrence (CS) Campus and one Edwards (BSIT) Campus, spent a weekend in late March protecting a virtual environment from professional hackers, known as the red team. During...
Underclassman Achievement Awards Presented by the KU Gamma Iota Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu
For the sixth year, Eta Kappa Nu presented the Underclassman Achievement Awards as a way of honoring the achievements of the department’s most promising sophomore level students. In EECS, the 200 level courses are considered ‘make or break courses.’ They are arguably the hardest undergraduate courses EECS offers, and understanding...
Computing the possibilities
LAWRENCE — Sandy Rech was recently participating in a biology lab when it became clear she had a big advantage over her fellow students: She knew how to use the computer software that tracked the results of class experiments — and her classmates did not. ...
KU EECS to offer RF Systems Engineering Certificate
LAWRENCE — The Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department at the University of Kansas has received approval to offer a certificate in RF Systems Engineering — a move that will strengthen the university’s ongoing partnership with Garmin International’s American headquarters in Olathe. ...
Students from Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Attend EECS Information Technology Workshop at the KU Edwards Campus
About 80 students from the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools attended the Information Technology Workshop at the KU Edwards Campus on Oct. 24. BSIT faculty ran the event that covered web-design, cyber security and system-administration, along with college and career planning sessions geared toward the IT industry. Hossein Saiedian, director...
New EECS Research Effort Will Advance Long-Range Test-Flight Communications Using Narrower Bandwidth
In 2015, the National Spectrum Consortium auctioned off portions of the electromagnetic spectrum once used by government agencies to mobile-phone companies. As a result, entities like the Department of Defense and Test Resource Management Center have searched out new technologies to transmit the vast data streams involved in testing airborne...
Jayhackers take 2nd and 3rd at CANSec Conference Cyber Defense Competition
A group of six students from the BSIT program and 12 students from the CS program traveled in late October to the University of Missouri Science and Technology (S&T) in Rolla, Missouri in to participate in a Cyber Defense Competition. Ten teams from KU, Kansas State University, University of Memphis,...
EECS Researchers Address Problems in Computer-Simulation Technology
The computer simulations used to design, optimize, test or control a vast range of objects and products in our daily lives are underpinned by finite element methods. Finite element simulations use a mesh of geometric shapes — triangles, tetrahedra, quadrilaterals or hexahedra, for instance. These shapes can be combined to...
Workshop to address how to combat misinformation, fake news
LAWRENCE — University of Kansas professors will present an all-day event next week that will examine the consequences of misinformation in democratic societies and how to detect, address and combat the creation and dissemination of fake news. ...
EECS Student Shaina Krumme Won Runner-Up Prize at the Annual MIT Hackathon for Best Use of Firebase
The team of Shaina Krumme (University of Kansas), Nihar Mauskar (UCSD), and Ajay Ramesh (Berkeley) successfully participated in the 2017 HackMIT, the annual MIT hackathon. Their project -SeQR Scanner and Generator- won runner-up for the prize sponsored by Google (Best Use of Firebase). Only approximately 9% of all participants won...
EECS students continue to receive Garmin Excellence Scholarships
In 2014 Dr. Min Kao, of Garmin International, Inc., made a $1 million gift through the Kao Family Foundation to support programs and scholarships at the University of Kansas School of Engineering. Half of the gift was used to create the Min H. Kao Engineering Design Studios, and the other...
EECS Faculty to study Kansans' inequality of broadband access and cybersecurity issues
The dimensions of broadband access reflect similar patterns of social inequality, and those who often rely on public libraries for internet access are often at risk of cybersecurity concerns and have less privacy, making them vulnerable to online scams and identity theft, for example. ...
EECS Ph.D. Student Receives Best Graduate Student Paper Award at the 2017 International Telemetering Conference
A paper written by EECS Ph.D. student Sumant Pathak received the “Best Graduate Student Paper” award at the 2017 International Telemetering Conference (ITC), which was held in October in Las Vegas. In order to be considered for a student award at ITC, a paper must be authored solely by students,...
Smithhisler Selected for 2017 School of Engineering Staff Award
Leslee Smithhisler, undergraduate assistant in the EECS administrative office, was selected for the School of Engineering Staff Award by engineering dean Michael Branicky and associate deans for her significant contributions to EECS undergraduate programs. Smithhisler joined the EECS department in 2015. She was recognized for being student-centric and friendly, for...
Two EECS Students Win Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates Award
Computer science major Rebekah Manweiler and computer engineering major Erick Oduniyi received a year-long Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates award through Computing Research Association. Their project is titled "Modeling Language Learning Using Child Directed Speech." This award helps promote undergraduate women and minority students in computer science by offering...
EECS Hosts Second Annual GenCyber Summer Camp
Thirty K-12 educators from around the country participated in the second annual GenCyber summer camp, held July 31 to August 4 at Eaton Hall. The goal of the camp, which is funded through a grant from the National Security Agency, is to teach the fundamental concepts and key aspects of...
EECS Establishes Power Systems Laboratory
The EECS department’s growing capability in renewable energies and smart grid is significantly boosted by acquiring a smart grid emulator test bench system from Lucas-Nülle, complete with solar and wind generation emulation capabilities. The shift from fossil fuel power generation to renewable energy continues to gain momentum. Today, technology has...
Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Student Paper Receives First Place at 2017 IEEE Radar Conference
EECS Ph.D. student Patrick McCormick received 1st place in the student paper contest at the 2017 IEEE Radar Conference in Seattle. This is the premier conference devoted to advancing radar technology. His paper was selected from 124 student papers submitted from around the world. Five submissions were selected as finalists...
KU’s Hosts Inaugural Hackathon
KU’s inaugural hackathon, took place February 17-19, 2017 at the engineering complex. A hackathon can be thought of as an invention marathon, where students “hack” together an idea from inception to reality. The event allowed the EECS community to come together for a weekend and do what engineers love to...
Professor James Rowland Named Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education
Professor James Rowland has been named a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). He has received this honor partly because of his ABET work for ASEE as well has being listed as a Founder for the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, now in its 46th year. ...
EECS Students win Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Competition Awards
Andres S. Hernandez received an all campus Undergraduate Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Honor Society) Research Award for Best Oral Presentation for his honors undergraduate research project "Position Determination Using Ultrasonic Signals." Andres’ project mentor is Professor Chris Allen. His project used ultrasonic signals for the detection and position determination of...
EECS Cyber Security Activities Highlighted in Kansas Alumni Magazine
EECS faculty and students are involved in a variety of cyber security activities. The March 2017 Kansas Alumni Magazine contains a cover story titled “Domain Defenders: Students look beyond the classroom to study the art of cyber war.” This lengthy piece discusses KU EECS participation in cyber defense competitions,...
Former Google and Uber Executive Brian McClendon Joins the Information and Telecommunications Technology Center and EECS as a Research Professor
Brian McClendon co-created Google Earth and was recently a vice president of Advanced Technologies at Uber Technologies Inc. and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He will join the Information and Telecommunications Technology Center as research professor. McClendon will work with EECS and ITTC on innovation and...
Kulkarni Named First Recipient of EECS Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Professorship
Prasad Kulkarni, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Kansas School of Engineering, has been named the first-ever recipient of the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Professorship. ...
EECS Professor Dr. Jim Miller Awarded Integrated Arts Research Initiative Faculty Research Fellowship
Jim Miller, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science was awarded an Integrated Arts Research Initiative (IARI) faculty research fellowship for the spring 2017 semester. The IARI program is a new initiative established and run by the KU Spencer Museum of Art after they were awarded a four-year grant...
Jayhackers Host Second Annual Cyber Defense Competition
On March 4th and 5th, KU’s Information Security Club, the Jayhackers, hosted the second annual CyberBlitz cyber defense competition in Eaton Hall. Students from the Edwards Campus, Olathe Northwest and Lawrence High competed alongside members of Fort Riley’s First Infantry Division in a virtual capture-the-flag type event. In this two-day...
EECS Students Involved in KU Smash Club
KU Smash is an organization focused on competitive gaming. The organization runs tournaments for the games Super Smash Bros. Melee and Smash 4. Competitive gaming has reached an international level and KU Smash is keeping the skills of EECS and other KU students sharp. The next competition April 2. It’s...
KU EECS Alumnus Receives Honors
Luiz DaSilva received his BSEE, MSEE, and Ph.D, from KU in 1986, 1988 and 1998, respectively. DaSilva currently holds chair professorship of Telecommunications at Trinity College Dublin. He has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his “contributions to cognitive networks and resource...
KU EECS Students Win Kansas City Federal Reserve’s First Code-A-Thon Competition
Jayhawks were large and in charge at the first ever Code-A-Thon hosted by the Kansas City Federal Reserve. There were 15 students – the most of any of the four area participating universities – representing KU’s technology-focused degrees at the competition. In addition, one of KU’s teams took home first-place...
EECS Professor Elected Program Director of SIAM CS&E Activity Group
EECS Professor Suzanne Shontz has been elected Secretary of the SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering for January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018. SIAM is the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and is a professional society that focuses on research in applied mathematics and computational...