Students working together at a Hackathon

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Nearly every EECS course is taught by one of our award-winning faculty members, not a teaching assistant. Thirteen computer labs and nine hardware labs provide our students with ample resources to achieve their academic goals. EECS graduates have aquired positions at a wide range of companies, government agencies, and research institutions, including Fortune 500 companies such as Garmin, T-mobile, Honeywell, and Northrop-Grumman.

Notable Stats

Of EECS Graduate Students Receive Funding from Assistantships or Fellowships
$1.7 M
Spent on laboratory equipment in the past six years

Graduate Research Opportunities

Graduate research opportunities are available to EECS students at both of our associated research centers: CReSIS and I2S, as well as many of other research center across campus.

Close up of a microchip

Cutting-Edge Degree Programs

A variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs are available to students seeking to pursue a career in cutting-edge technology fields, including our new undergraduate Interdisciplinary Computing program.

A student in the Choi Lab

KU EECS Distinguished Service Award

We are now accepting applications for the 2024 KEDS award
Submit Application


The EECS Graduation Dinner and Awards Ceremony, held on April 25, 2024, marked a significant celebration of the accomplishments of EECS graduates and honored students for their exceptional performance in undergraduate and graduate studies.

KU IEEE Makes a Splash at Region 5 Annual Meeting! This past weekend, April 13-14, 2024, the University of Kansas IEEE chapter made history by attending the IEEE Region 5 Annual Meeting in Springdale, Arkansas!

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from the EECS Supercomputing Club! In the recently concluded 2024 Single Board Cluster Competition (SBCC), the Club achieved remarkable success, showcasing dedication and expertise in high-performance computing. Here are the highlights of the Club's achievement: