
Fri, 05/17/2019

Paper Authored by KU EECS Researchers Designated an Outstanding Paper at Top Conference in Embedded Real-Time Systems

A KU paper submitted to the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) has been designated as an Outstanding Paper. The paper, “Denial-of-Service Attacks on Shared Cache in Multicore: Analysis and Prevention,” was co-authored by Ph.D. student Michael G. Bechtel and Assistant Professor Heechul...

Fri, 05/17/2019

EECS Professor Receives NSF Funding to Improve the Cybersecurity Management of Networks

Network and Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are central components of modern enterprise networks. Organizations deploy SOCs to manage their network operations, defend against cyber threats, and maintain regulatory compliance. Traditionally, these organizations are provided with an abstract view of network security through the interface of SOC metrics, and the SOC,...

Fri, 05/17/2019

Ph.D. Student Receives Self Graduate Fellowship

Ph.D. Student Dalton Hahn is a recipient of the prestigious Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship, which will provide him with four years of support to pursue his research interests in cybersecurity and privacy. ...

Wed, 03/20/2019

EECS Professor Elected Vice Chair of SIAM CS&E Activity Group

EECS Professor Suzanne Shontz has been elected Vice Chair of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering. Her term run from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. SIAM is a professional society which focuses on research in applied mathematics and computational...

Wed, 03/20/2019

EECS Student Chapter of ACM Hosts Hackathon

The 2019 HackKU event, hosted by the KU chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery, was the most successful in the event's history and was the largest student hackathon in Kansas this year. More than 230 students came from all over North America to build interesting "Social Good"-themed projects, develop...

Wed, 03/20/2019

EECS Professor Receives NSF Funding to Improve Cybersecurity through Morphing IT Systems - Moving Target Defense

The NSF is supporting Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Assistant Professor Alexandru Bardas to develop a novel approach for protecting computer systems and networks. Current information technology (IT) systems used by regular users and companies are relatively static configurations; giving adversaries an advantage of time. A promising new approach, called...

Wed, 03/20/2019

Ripple Supports Blockchain Research at KU with $2M gift

The Information & Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC) will receive a $2 million gift from Silicon Valley financial technology company Ripple to research technologies related to blockchain, cryptocurrency and digital payments. ...

Fri, 01/18/2019

Professor James Stiles Receives the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Professorship in EECS

Dr James Stiles, a longtime associate professor of electrical engineering & computer science at the University of Kansas, has been named the recipient of the 2018 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Professorship. The honor, which is available to faculty in the electrical engineering & computer science department, comes with a three-year...

Fri, 01/18/2019

EECS Faculty Co-edit First Comprehensive Coverage of Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing

The recent book Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, co-edited by KU EECS Professors Shannon Blunt and Erik Perrins is the first comprehensive coverage of this rapidly growing problem space, the book is published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in London. The radio frequency (RF) spectrum has arguably...

Fri, 01/18/2019

EECS Professor Joe Evans Elected to IEEE Fellow

Joe Evans, Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Kansas, has been named a Fellow in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Evans is recognized for contributions to cognitive networks and deployment of defense networks. ...

Fri, 01/18/2019

EECS PhD Graduate Wins the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society 2018 Robert T Hill Best Dissertation Award

A recent University of Kansas graduate has won international recognition for his dissertation proposing innovative advances to radar technology.Patrick McCormick, an Olathe native who graduated in May 2018 with a doctorate in electrical engineering, won the Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award from the Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, which...

Tue, 12/04/2018

Professor Shontz Receives NSF Support to Develop a Novel Computational Framework for Cardiac Biomechanics

The National Science Foundation is supporting Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Professor Suzanne Shontz and her colleagues at Rochester Institute of Technology to develop a novel computational framework for cardiac biomechanics. A normal heart functions by contracting and pushing blood from the left ventricle into the rest of the body. ...

Tue, 12/04/2018

EECS Doctoral Student Awarded Chancellor's Doctoral Fellowship

EECS doctoral student Kailani Jones was awarded the KU Chancellor's Doctoral Fellowship in fall 2018. This fellowship was created by Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little in 2013. The fellowship is designed to "assist KU in obtaining its mission as a flagship university that provides advanced education to students in a range of...

Tue, 12/04/2018

EECS Students Host Cyberdefense Competition for High School Students

The EECS Jayhackers hosted a cyberdefense competition for two weeks in fall 2018 that included high school teams as well as EECS students. In the past, Jayhacker competitions have consisted of an eight hour setup and attack phase all on one day. This year, the group decided to change the...

Tue, 12/04/2018

Jayhackers Win First and Third Place at Cyberdefense Competition

EECS student teams, known as the Jayhackers, placed 1st and 3rd in a cyberdefense competition at Kansas State University in late October. A team of six students from KU’s computer science and computer engineering programs and eight students from the BSIT program traveled to Kansas State University in Manhattan,...

Wed, 10/17/2018

KU Hosts Conference on Cybersecurity for the ‘Internet of Things’

KU hosted over 100 cybersecurity experts from across the Midwest at the KU Edwards Campus on Oct. 2 for a day-long conference on “Securing the Internet of Things.” The conference keynote speakers were Brigadier General Jennifer Buckner, U.S. Army Director of Cyber, Electronic Warfare, Information Operations and Aaron Weissenfluh, the...

Wed, 10/17/2018

KU EECS Students and Faculty Attend Largest Conference for Women Technologists

Eight EECS students attended the 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing; the largest gathering of women technologists in the world. The students were accompanied by Professor Annette Tetmeyer, the advisor for the new organization KU Women in Computing, or KUWIC. Each student, ranging from sophomore to senior,...

Wed, 10/17/2018

Prof. Shannon Blunt Elected Chair of Radar Systems Panel of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers

Wed, 10/17/2018

EECS Undergraduates Recognized for Research

Rebekah Manweiler and Erick Oduniyi won 3rd place in the undergraduate poster competition at the 2018 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference in Orlando, Florida. Manweiler is a senior in computer science. Oduniyi a senior in computer engineering. Their poster, “Evaluation of Child-directed Speech Using Automatic Speech...

Thu, 08/23/2018

EECS Students Engineer the 2018 Hackathon- Hack-KU

The EECS ACM student branch coordinated the 2018 Hack-KU hackathon in April 2018. Computer Science students Mason Wilde and Taylor Walenczyk led the event. About 60 participants came from KU, K-State and Johnson County Community College. They developed code related to environmental issues over a 24-hour period in Engineering Complex. ...

Thu, 08/23/2018

KU Students and Faculty Participate in Major IEEE Communications Conference in Kansas City

KU students and faculty contributed to the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) in Kansas City, Mo., in May 2018. ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences. More than 2,000 engineers attended the conference, coming from around the globe. KU EECS was well represented at ICC in...

Thu, 08/23/2018

Educators Learn about Best Practices for Teaching Cybersecurity Content

With a goal of improving teaching methods for K-12 educators to deliver cybersecurity content, K – 12 educators from Kansas and around the country gathered at Eaton Hall in July for the 3rd annual GenCyber summer camp. ...

Thu, 08/23/2018

EECS Selected for NSA “Lablet” to Improve Security for Internet of Things with ‘Big-Thinking’ Research

EECS is leading a multidisciplinary effort at KU that will tackle the fundamental science underpinning the security of the Internet of Things (IoT), through a prestigious designation from the National Security Agency. ...

Mon, 05/14/2018

EECS Students Use Analog Discovery 2 to Explore Circuit Concepts

In fall 2017, the EECS department purchased 40 Digilent Analog Discovery 2 units. EECS students have used these devices to explore circuit concepts. These units interface to a computer via USB and operate at 100 MSPS, providing a two-channel USB digital oscilloscope; two-channel arbitrary function generator; 16-channel digital logic analyzer;...

Mon, 05/14/2018

Professor Shannon Blunt appointed to IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Society Board of Governors

Professor Shannon Blunt was recently appointed to the Broad of Governors of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Society (AESS). AESS is a professional society dealing with total integrated electronic systems and the enabling technologies that contributes to large-scale system design, including radar systems. Professor Blunt has made major contributions to...

Mon, 05/14/2018

University Daily Kansan Highlights EECS Alum, Google Software Engineer Evan Nichols

Evan Nichols graduated with a computer science degree in 2017. While at KU, he was an undergraduate Self Fellow and participated in the KU Energy Club. He is now a software engineer for Google in New York City. Evan’s experience in EECS and his work at Google were recently highlighted...

Mon, 05/14/2018

Jayhackers Compete in Argonne National Labs Cyber Defense Competition

The EECS Information Security Club cyber defense team competed in the Argonne National Labs Cyber Defense Competition in April 2018. The team was comprised of three club members in computer science from the Lawrence campus and three members from information technology from the Edwards campus. The team had six weeks...

Thu, 04/12/2018

KU EECS Student Participates in NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Pathways Program

EECS student Luke Dercher worked last year on embedded development for scientific satellite missions in the Pathways program at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Dercher is a computer science major and a non-traditional student. He is 31 years old and a five-year veteran of the US Navy. Getting to work...

Thu, 04/12/2018

EECS Student Wins Best Teamwork at Princeton Hackathon

EECS senior Shaina Krumme and her team of Tina Haibodi (Queen’s University), Chris Maltais (Queen’s University), and Sai S (University of Waterloo), successfully participated in Princeton University’s biannual hackathon, HackPrinceton, in spring 2018. ...

Thu, 04/12/2018

EECS Senior Helps Lead Conference to Encourage Girls to Pursue STEM Careers

Computer Science senior Ashley Hutton helped organize a one-day conference designed to encourage middle school girls to attend college eager to major in science, technology, engineering and math. More than 70 mother-daughter duos attended the ‘Make it Happen’ conference in February 2018. The conference was the brainchild of Hutton and...

Media Contacts

Dr. Hossein Saiedian
