EECS students continue to receive Garmin Excellence Scholarships
In 2014 Dr. Min Kao, of Garmin International, Inc., made a $1 million gift through the Kao Family Foundation to support programs and scholarships at the University of Kansas School of Engineering. Half of the gift was used to create the Min H. Kao Engineering Design Studios, and the other established the Garmin Excellence Scholarship in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This year 25 students received this merit based scholarship bringing the total number of students receiving the Garmin Excellence Scholarship to 99. This scholarship supports second year students in EECS. At the time of its establishment Dr. Kao said “I am delighted to support the University of Kansas in its mission to educate its students and to encourage engineering and technology innovation,” he went on to say that “Ensuring a highly-skilled engineering workforce is vital to the future of Garmin, the state of Kansas, and our nation as a whole.”