New Students
Congratulations on your acceptance to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the University of Kansas! In this section you find helpful information about the resources and service available to you as an EECS student, as well as details regarding what is required of you as you start your EECS academic career.
Administrative Assistance
If you have a problem with or question about:
- Enrollment and Advising
- Events and Deadlines
- Program Requirements
the EECS administrative staff will be able to assist you. Administrative staff can be contacted by email or phone, and can be located in the EECS Office on the second floor of Eaton Hall 8 am-4:30 pm Monday through Friday during the Spring and Fall semesters.
Technical Assistance
If you have a problem with or a question about:
- Logging into EECS Computers
- Printing from EECS Printers
- Accessing the EECS cycle severs
first check the EECS Wiki for solutions to common problems, and if you don't find an answer there, submit a online help request. The EECS Technical Staff responds to help request 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.