EECS Students win Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Competition Awards
Andres S. Hernandez received an all campus Undergraduate Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Honor Society) Research Award for Best Oral Presentation for his honors undergraduate research project "Position Determination Using Ultrasonic Signals." Andres’ project mentor is Professor Chris Allen. His project used ultrasonic signals for the detection and position determination of nearby targets. He refined an algorithm created for detection of the echo signal’s angle of arrival and adapted it for UAVs for autonomous flight. To achieve his goal the differential electrical phase angle of an incoming signal sent at a fixed distance using a pair of microphones was measured. EECS graduate students also participated in the 2017 Graduate Research Symposium and the associated Sigma Xi Research Competition. Siddharth Gangadhar and Hamid Mahmoudi were award recipients for the Sigma Xi Research Competition in the early graduate and advanced graduate student categories respectively. Professor Reza Ahmadi is Hamid Mahmoudi’s advisor and Professor James P.G. Sterbenz is Siddharth Gangadhar’s advisor.