Data Science and Engineering
EECS researchers are developing new tools and methods in data collection, integration, cleansing, and representation. In addition to innovative data gathering and management, EECS researchers advance all aspects of modeling, including model construction, selection, averaging, evaluation, and interpretation. The multidisciplinary research identifies and deploys data science and engineering components for efficient solutions to real-world problems in medicine, science, industry, and other numerous other fields.

Program Objectives
- Understand fundamental principles and algorithms of data science and engineering.
- Understand the data collection, data integration, data cleansing, data representation, model construction, model selection, model averaging, model evaluation, and model interpretation components in data science and engineering.
- Understand how to identify data science and engineering components and provide efficient solutions in solving real-world problems.
- Have the ability to effectively communicate to impact technological decisions.
Associated Faculty

Primary Research Interests
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous Mobile Robots

Primary Research Interests
- Data mining
- Knowledge discovery
- Machine learning
- Expert systems
- Reasoning under uncertainty
- Rough set theory

Primary Research Interests
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Combinatorial Optimizations
- Graph Algorithms

Primary Research Interests
- Information security and privacy, database security
- Information retrieval, Web and online social networks
- Security and privacy issues in smart grid systems
- XML and conventional database systems, data management

Primary Research Interests
- Computer Graphics
- Visualization
- Geometric Modeling
- Technology in Education

Primary Research Interests
- High Performance Scientific Computing Algorithms
- Parallel Unstructured Mesh and Optimization Algorithms
- Model Order Reduction
- Computational Medicine
- Image Processing
Associated Facilities
- Multiagent development tools: ACCS, C++, CORBA, Java
- Information retrieval and Web tools: KUIR Information Retrieval Library, Php, XMLSpy, MySQL, Perl
- Data Mining Tools: SNOB, Cobweb, ID3, C4.5, statistical analysis packages
- Artificial intelligence development tools and languages: Lisp, CLOS, CLIPS, Prolog, GBB, OPS, MEM-1
- Image processing and computer vision tools: KUIM Image Processing Library, high-speed video, and data cable/fiber link
- Human-intelligent system interaction tools: Mobile robots, VR user interface, head-mounted display, force feedback joysticks
- PoepleBot, two Nomad Scouts, three Kheperas, and one Pioneer robot
- Software packages for virtual prototyping and kinematics and dynamics modeling, such as the visualNastran 4D and Working Model.
Core Coursework (MS)
Note: Students must take either EECS 740 or 741, credit will not be given for both.