Man Kong

- Associate Professor Emeritus
Contact Info
Biography —
Research —
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Combinatorial Optimizations
- Graph Algorithms
Teaching —
- Discrete Structures
- Data structures
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Graph Algorithms
Selected Publications —
- M.C. Kong, Sin-Min Lee, Eric Seah and Alfred S. Tang, “A Complete Characterization of Balanced Graphs,” Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 66, pp. 225-236, 2008.
- Nancy Kinnersley and Man C. Kong, “Fun in Teaching Counting using the Powerball Lottery,” The 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, F25: 7 – 11, Milwaukee, WI, 2007.
Awards & Honors —
- John E. and Winifred E. Sharp Professorship, University of Kansas, 2006.
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Kansas, 2004.
- Harry Talley Excellence in Teaching Award, EECS Department, University of Kansas, 2001.
Service —
- Faculty Senate, Member, Univeristy of Kansas, 2008-Present;
- University Senate, Member, Univeristy of Kansas, 2008-Present;
- University Judicial Board, Member, Univeristy of Kansas, 2007-Present;
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon Association, Faculty Advisor, Univeristy of Kansas, 2001-Present;
Memberships —
- Fellow, Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications