Applied Electromagnetics

EECS researchers investigate electromagnetic phenomena-as described by Maxwell's theory-including radiation, propagation, and scattering. They develop mathematical tools to analyze and evaluate electromagnetic solutions to practical electrical engineering devices, systems, and problems. EECS research in Applied Electromagnetics encompasses communications and sensing.

Ron Hui
EECS Professor Ron Hui has more than 16 U.S. patents for his innovations in biosensors, photonic devices, and optical communication systems.

Program Objectives

  • Provide a firm understanding of electromagnetic phenomena—as described by Maxwell’s theory—including radiation, propagation, and scattering.
  • Provide the mathematical tools required to analyze and evaluate electromagnetic solutions to practical electrical engineering devices, systems, and problems.
  • Provide a rich understanding of how electromagnetic phenomenon is applied to create engineering solutions for problems such as communications, computation, and sensing.

Associated Faculty

Kenneth Demarest

Primary Research Interests

  • Antennas and Lightwave Systems

Shima Fardad

Primary Research Interests

  • Light-matter interactions in soft-matter systsems
  • Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials Imaging
  • Microscopy and Spectroscopy Techniques

Rongqing Hui

Primary Research Interests

  • Optical/RF Measurement and Biosensors
  • Novel Photonic Devices
  • Optical Communication Systems

James Stiles
 3032 Eaton Hall

Primary Research Interests

All aspects of electromagnetic sensing, including:

  • Radar Signal Processing
  • Radar Remote Sensing
  • Applications Estimation Theory in electromagnetic sensing
  • Applications of Marginal Fisher's Information in sensor Design
  • Ground-Penetrating Radar
  • Wave Propagation and Scattering 

Google Scholar Page

Associated Facilities

  • Optical spectrum analyzer
  • 50GHz microwave network analyzer
  • 40GHz digital oscilloscope
  • Tunable laser sources and optical filters
  • 40Gb/s and 12 Gb/s BERTs
  • Electro-optic modulators, WDM multiplexers, demultiplexers
  • High-speed photodetectors
  • Commercial WDM systems
  • High-speed digital T/R rooftop antenna
  • 360 km of fiber installed for systems-level testing
  • DSP rapid prototyping system
  • Circuit board fabrication facility
  • Logic analyzers
  • Network analyzers
  • Spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, and function generators
  • Prototype PC board fabrication tools
  • RF signal generators
  • Variety of DSP and EM design tools

Associated Disciplines

Core Coursework (MS)


Elective Coursework (MS)
