James Stiles

James Stiles
  • Professor

Contact Info

3032 Eaton Hall


James M Stiles received a BSEE from the University of Missouri in 1983, an MSEE from Southern Methodist University in 1987, and the PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1996.  From 1983 to 1990, he was employed as an electrical design engineer for the Defense Systems and  Electronics Group of  Texas Instruments (now Raytheon).  While at TI, he designed wideband microwave receivers and components for electromagnetic sensing systems.   From 1990 to 1996, Dr. Stiles was employed as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Radiation Laboratory of the University of Michigan, where he worked on research and experiments related to radar remote sensing.  Since 1996, Dr. Stiles has been a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas.  His research activities at KU have focused entirely on electromagnetic sensing, with a primary interest in radar.


All aspects of electromagnetic sensing, including:

  • Radar Signal Processing
  • Radar Remote Sensing
  • Applications Estimation Theory in electromagnetic sensing
  • Applications of Marginal Fisher's Information in sensor Design
  • Ground-Penetrating Radar
  • Wave Propagation and Scattering 

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EECS 220 - Electromagnetics I

EECS 255 - Electrical Engineering Mathematics

EECS 312 - Electronic Circuits I                                                   

EECS 412 -  Electronic Circuits II

EECS 501 -  EE Senior Design I

EECS 502 - EE Senior Design II

EECS 622 - Microwave Radio Transmission Systems                 622 lecture material

EECS 721 - Antennas                                                                   721 lecture material

EECS 723 - Microwave Engineering                                             723 lecture material

EECS 725 - Introduction to Radar

EECS 965 - Estimation and Detection Theory                              965 lecture material
