Robb Funds Available for EECS Graduate Students

The EECS Department is accepting proposals for Robb Awards. Robb Awards provide financial assistance to EECS graduate students who are presenting papers at conferences or workshops, attending conferences or short courses, or participating in other activities that would enhance their educational experience.  The support is made possible through an endowed grant to EECS by Dr. David D. Robb. Applications are due August 31.

Students interested in applying for the award should submit the following to the EECS Office in an envelope labeled “DAVID D. AND MILDRED H. ROBB AWARD.”

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Current resume and ARTS form
  3. If the request is NOT for presenting a paper at a conference or workshop, then the applicant must also submit a maximum one page explanation of how participating in the activity will enhance his or her graduate educational experience.