Shannon Blunt

  • Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor

Contact Info

Eaton Hall, room 3034
1520 W. 15th St.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Nichols Hall, room 357


Career Synopsis

Dr. Shannon D. Blunt is the Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) at the University of Kansas (KU), Director of the KU Radar Systems Lab (RSL), and Director of the Kansas Applied Research Lab (KARL). He received a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri in 2002, and from 2002 until he joined KU in 2005 he was with the Radar Division of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C. His research interests are in sensor signal processing and system design with a particular emphasis on waveform diversity and spectrum sharing techniques, having made a variety of contributions that have been deployed in operational radar and sonar systems.

Prof. Blunt received an AFOSR Young Investigator Award in 2008, the IEEE/AESS Nathanson Memorial Radar Award in 2012, was named a Fellow of the IEEE for “contributions to radar waveform diversity and design” in 2016, was appointed to the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology (PCAST) in 2019, received the 2020 IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation Premium Award, was named Fellow of the MSS for "contributions to national defense and civilian applications of radar waveform diversity and design" in 2024, and in 2025 received the IEEE/AESS Warren D. White Award for "fundamental and practical contributions to radar waveform design for advanced radar systems". He has likewise received multiple teaching awards. He has over 200 refereed journal, conference, and book chapter publications, and 19 patents/patents-pending. He co-edited the books Principles of Waveform Diversity & Design (2010) and Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing (2018). His research has been supported by over $25M in funding from NRL, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Department of Energy (DoE), Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and multiple industry partners.

He has served as a subject matter expert (SME) on topics related to radar spectrum management and sharing for DARPA, the Air Force's S&T 2030 Initiative, the National Spectrum Consortium, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), and the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP), the latter as part of America's Mid-Band Initiative Team (AMBIT) to enable nationwide 5G deployment. He served as Chair of the IEEE/AESS Radar Systems Panel and on the Board of Governors for the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS). He is the inaugural Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems, is on the Editorial Board for IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, and served in different editorial roles for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems. He was General Chair of the 2011 IEEE Radar Conference in Kansas City and Technical Chair of the 2018, 2022, and 2023 IEEE Radar Conferences in Oklahoma City, New York City, and San Antonio, respectively, along with being a member of the Program Committee for the MSS Tri-Service Radar Symposium series. He was Chair of the NATO SET-179 research task group on “Dynamic Waveform Diversity & Design” and a member of SET-182 on “Radar Spectrum Engineering & Management” and SET-227 on “Cognitive Radar”.


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, 2002
(advisor: K.C. Ho)
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, 2000
(advisor: K.C. Ho)
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, 1999
(with honors)


Google Scholar Page

  • Adaptive Signal Processing for Radar and Communications
  • Radar Waveform Optimization/Implementation
  • Radar Pulse Compression
  • Space-Time Adaptive Processing
  • Array Processing
  • Radar Spectrum Engineering
  • Radar-Embedded Communications
  • Interference Cancellation
  • Multistatic Radar
  • Biomedical Imaging

Advisory Positions

  • U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
  • Subject matter expert on spectrum for the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy on America's Mid-Band Initiative Team (AMBIT)
  • Subject matter expert on spectrum R&D for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering
  • Subject matter expert on proactive spectrum sharing for the National Spectrum Consortium
  • AFRL/IDA expert panel on spectrum warfare & communications
  • Subject matter expert on radar/communication spectrum sharing for DARPA
  • Consultant on radar waveform diversity for the Naval Research Laboratory - Radar Division


  • IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel (2007-2020)
  • MSS Tri-Service Radar Symposium Program Committee (2010-present)


  • EECS 412 Electronic Circuits II
  • EECS 420 Electromagnetics II
  • EECS 644 Digital Signal Processing
  • EECS 844 Adaptive Signal Processing
  • Tutorial on "Spectrum Engineering & Waveform Diversity" at IEEE Radar Conference series in collaboration with Prof. Hugh Griffiths of University College London

Selected Publications

S&T Policy Recommendations

  1. "Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program Review," PCAST Report to the President of the United States of America, January 2021.
  2. "Industries of the Future Institutes: A New Model for American Science and Technology Leadership," PCAST Report to the President of the United States of America, January 2021.
  3. "America’s Mid-Band Initiative (AMBIT): 3450 MHz to 3550 MHz," U.S. Department of Defense – Chief Information Office Report, September 2020.
  4. Recommendations for Strengthening American Leadership in Industries of the Future,” PCAST Report to the President of the United States of America, June 2020.


  1. S.D. Blunt and E.S. Perrins, eds., Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, SciTech Publishing, 2018.
  2. M. Wicks, E. Mokole, S.D. Blunt, V. Amuso, and R. Schneible, eds., Principles of Waveform Diversity and Design, SciTech Publishing, 2010.

Book Chapters

  1. S.D. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, “The Case for Spectrum Access,” Chapter 1 in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, eds. S.D. Blunt and E. Perrins, SciTech Publishing, 2018.
  2. E.S. Perrins, S.D. Blunt, P.M. McCormick, and B. Ravenscroft, “Spectrally Efficient Communications & Radar,” Chapter 6 in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, eds. S.D. Blunt and E. Perrins, SciTech Publishing, 2018.
  3. J.G. Metcalf, C. Sahin, and S.D. Blunt, “Embedding Communication Symbols in Radar Clutter on an Intrapulse Basis,” Chapter 21 in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, eds. S.D. Blunt and E. Perrins, SciTech Publishing, 2018.
  4. C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, B. Ravenscroft, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, “Embedding Communications into Radar Emissions by Transmit Waveform Diversity,” Chapter 23 in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, eds. S.D. Blunt and E. Perrins, SciTech Publishing, 2018.
  5. S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, P. McCormick, P.S. Tan, and J.G. Metcalf, "Holistic Radar Waveform Diversity," Chapter 1 in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Volume 7 (SIGP): Array, Radar and Communications Engineering, eds. R. Chellappa and S. Theodoridis, Elsevier, 2017.
  6. S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, and C. Allen, "Radar Emission Spectrum Engineering," Chapter 1 in Novel Radar Techniques and Applications, Vol. 2: Waveform Diversity and Cognitive Radar, and Target Tracking and Data Fusion, eds. R. Klemm, U. Nickel, C. Gierull, P. Lombardo, H. Griffiths, and W. Koch, SciTech-IET, 2017.
  7. G.W. Stimson and S.D. Blunt, "Pulse Compression and High Resolution Radar," Chapter 16 in Introduction to Airborne Radar, 3rd ed., eds. H. Griffiths, C.J. Baker, and D. Adamy, SciTech-IET, 2014.
  8. S.D. Blunt, "Radar Waveforms: Advanced Concepts," Chapter 46 in Introduction to Airborne Radar, 3rd ed., eds. H. Griffiths, C.J. Baker, and D. Adamy, SciTech-IET, 2014.
  9. S.D. Blunt, T. Higgins, A. Shackelford, and K. Gerlach, "Multistatic & Waveform-Diverse Radar Pulse Compression," Chapter 8 in Waveform Design and Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems, eds. F. Gini, A. de Maio, and L. Patton, IET, 2012.
  10. S.D. Blunt and J.M. Stiles, "Intra-Pulse Radar-Embedded Communications," Chapter B-I-4 in Principles of Waveform Diversity & Design, eds. M. Wicks, E. Mokole, S.D. Blunt, V. Amuso, and R. Schneible, SciTech Publishing, 2010.
  11. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, M. Rangaswamy, and A.K. Shackelford, "STAP via Knowledge-Aided Covariance Estimation and the FRACTA Algorithm," Chapter 7 in Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking, and Classification, eds. F. Gini and M. Rangaswamy, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.


  1. C. Musgrove, S. Blunt, M. Fowler, P. McCormick, J. Quirk, "A Combination Deterministic and Stochastic Waveform Generator," U.S. Patent App. #18098185, filed Jan. 18, 2023.
  2. T.J. Kramer, C.C. Jones, G.B. Ravenscroft, E.R. Biehl, E.A. Ramos, S.D. Blunt, “Methods for Embedding Communications into Physical Radar Waveforms,” U.S. Patent Application #63/279,062, filed on Nov. 12, 2021.
  3. C.C. Jones, L. Harnett, C.A. Mohr, S.D. Blunt, “Structure-Based Adaptive Radar Processing for Joint Interference Cancellation and Signal Estimation,” U.S. Patent Application #63/154,574, filed on Feb. 26, 2021.
  4. P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, S.D. Blunt, J.G. Metcalf, “Physical Waveform Optimization for Multiple-Beam Multifunction Digital Arrays,” U.S. Patent Application #62/928,307, filed on Oct. 30, 2019.
  5. C. Sahin, J.G. Metcalf, J. Jakabosky, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, “A Continuous-Phase Modulation Based Power-Efficient Tunable Joint Radar/Communications System,” US Patent Application #62/903,615, filed on Sept. 20, 2019.
  6. G.B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, J.G. Metcalf, "Power-Efficient Formulation of Tandem-Hopped Radar & Communications," U.S. Patent #12,000,949, issued June 4, 2024.
  7. L. Harnett, S.D. Blunt, J.G. Metcalf, “Method to Improve Ground Moving Target Detection Through Partially Adaptive Post Pulse Compression Multi-Waveform Space-Time Adaptive Processing,” U.S. Patent #11,885,870, issued Jan. 30, 2024.
  8. J.W. Owen, G.B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, "Devoid Clutter Capture and Filling (DeCCaF) to Compensate for Intra-CPI Spectral Notch Variation," US Patent #11,644,531, issued May 9, 2023.
  9. S.D. Blunt, M. Popescu, and T. Chan, "Source Affine Reconstruction for Medical Imaging," US Patent #8,433,388, issued April 30, 2013.
  10. S.D. Blunt and T. Higgins, "Computationally Efficient Adaptive Radar Pulse Compression System," US Patent #7,602,331, issued October 13, 2009.
  11. S.D. Blunt, A. Shackelford, and K. Gerlach, "Single Pulse Imaging Radar System and Method," US Patent #7,535,412, issued May 19, 2009.
  12. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Multistatic Adaptive Pulse Compression Method and System," US Patent #7,474,257, issued January 6, 2009.
  13. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, and K.J. Smith, "Doppler Compensated Adaptive Pulse Compressor for Doppler-Tolerant Waveforms," US Patent #7,439,906, issued October 21, 2008.
  14. K. Gerlach and S.D. Blunt, "Radar Pulse Compression Repair," US Patent #7,298,315, issued November 20, 2007.
  15. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Method and Apparatus for Detecting Slow-Moving Targets in High-Resolution Sea Clutter," US Patent #7,286,079, issued October 23, 2007.
  16. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Doppler-Sensitive Adaptive Coherence Estimate Detector Methods," US Patent #7,212,150, issued May 1, 2007.
  17. K. Gerlach and S.D. Blunt, "Radar Processor System and Method," US Patent #7,193,558, issued March 20, 2007.
  18. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Robust Predictive Deconvolution System and Method," US Patent #7,106,250, issued September 12, 2006.
  19. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Robust Predictive Deconvolution System and Method," US Patent #6,940,450, issued September 6, 2005.


  1. S.D. Blunt, L.A. Harnett, B. Ravenscroft, R.J. Chang, C.T. Allen, P.M. McCormick, "Implications of Diversified Doppler for Random PRI Radar," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 3811-3834, Aug. 2023.
  2. R.J. Chang, C.C. Jones, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, "Gradient-Based Optimization of Pseudo-Random PRI Staggering," IEEE Trans. Radar Systems, vol. 1, pp. 249-263, July 2023.
  3. J.E. Quirk, R.J. Chang, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, P.M. McCormick, "A Simple yet Effective Metric for Assessing Doppler Tolerance," IEEE Trans. Radar Systems, vol. 1, pp. 12-20, Mar. 2023.
  4. A.F. Martone, J.A. Kovarskiy, C.E. Thornton, B.H. Kirk, J.W. Owen. B. Ravenscroft, A. Egbert, A. Goad, R.M. Buehrer, R.M. Narayanan, S.D. Blunt, C. Baylis, K.D. Sherbondy, “Closing the Loop on Cognitive Radar for Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 44-55, Sept. 2021.
  5. C.C. Jones, C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, "Complementary Frequency Modulated Radar Waveforms and Optimised Receive Processing," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 708-723, Apr. 2021.
  6. C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, C.A. Topliff, S.D. Blunt, and J.M. Baden, "Gradient-Based Optimization of PCFM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 935-956, Apr. 2021.
  7. S.D. Blunt, J.K. Jakabosky, C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, C. Sahin, G.D. Zook, C.C. Jones, J.G. Metcalf, and T. Higgins, "Principles & Applications of Random FM Radar Waveform Design," IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 20-28, Oct. 2020. (special issue on Noise Radar).
  8. P.S. Tan, J. Jakabosky, J.M. Stiles, and S.D. Blunt, "Higher-Order Implementations of Polyphase-Coded FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2850-2870, Dec. 2019.
  9. L.A. Harnett, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, "Post Pulse Compression & Partially Adaptive Multi-Waveform STAP," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1678-1688, Oct. 2019.
  10. S.D. Blunt, R. Adve, D.W. Bliss, J. Curran, and S. Roy, "Guest Editorial: Foreword to the Special Section on Spectrum Sharing," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1060-1061, June 2019.
  11. B. Ravenscroft, J.W. Owen, J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, and K.D. Sherbondy, "Experimental Demonstration and Analysis of Cognitive Spectrum Sensing & Notching," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1466-1475, Dec. 2018. {recipient of 2020 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET RSN}
  12. A. Martone, K. Ranney, K. Sherbondy, K. Gallagher, and S. Blunt, "Spectrum Allocation for Non-Cooperative Radar Coexistence," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 90-105, Feb. 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2017.2735659.
  13. H.C. So, M.G. Amin, S. Blunt, F. Gini, and W.-Q. Wang, "Introduction to the Special Issue on Time/Frequency Modulated Array Signal Processing," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 225-227, Mar. 2017.
  14. P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, "Wideband MIMO Frequency-Modulated Emission Design with Space-Frequency Nulling," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 363-378, Mar. 2017, DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2016.2627180.
  15. S.D. Blunt, J. Metcalf, J. Jakabosky, J. Stiles, and B. Himed, "Multi-Waveform Space-Time Adaptive Processing," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 385-404, Feb. 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2017.2650639.
  16. J. Jakabosky, P. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, "Implementation & Design of Physical Radar Waveform Diversity," IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 26-33, Dec. 2016, DOI: 0.1109/MAES.2016.150230. (special issue on Waveform Diversity)
  17. S.D. Blunt and E.L. Mokole, "An Overview of Radar Waveform Diversity," IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2-42, Nov. 2016, DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2016.160071.
  18. P. McCormick, T. Higgins, S.D. Blunt, and M. Rangaswamy, "Adaptive Receive Processing of Spatially-Modulated Physical Radar Emissions," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1415-1426, Dec. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2015.2467360. (special issue on Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Radar Applications)
  19. J.G. Metcalf, C. Sahin, S.D. Blunt, and M. Rangaswamy, "Analysis of Symbol Design Strategies for Intrapulse Radar-Embedded Communications," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2914-2931, Oct. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2015.140675.
  20. H. Griffiths, L. Cohen, S. Watts, E. Mokole, C. Baker, M. Wicks, and S. Blunt, "Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 85-102, Jan. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2365517.
  21. S.D. Blunt, P. McCormick, T. Higgins, and M. Rangaswamy, "Physical Emission of Spatially-Modulated Radar," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 1234-1246, Dec. 2014.
  22. S.D. Blunt, M. Cook, J. Jakabosky, J. de Graaf, and E. Perrins, "Polyphase-Coded FM (PCFM) Radar Waveforms, Part I: Implementation," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 2218-2229, July 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2014.130361.
  23. S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, M. Cook, J. Stiles, S. Seguin, and E.L. Mokole, "Polyphase-Coded FM (PCFM) Radar Waveforms, Part II: Optimization," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 2230-2241, July 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2014.130362.
  24. S.D. Blunt, J.G. Metcalf, C.R. Biggs, and E. Perrins, "Performance Characteristics and Metrics for Intra-Pulse Radar-Embedded Communications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (special issue on Advances in Military Networking and Communications), vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 2057-2066, Dec. 2011, DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2011.111215.
  25. S.D. Blunt, T. Chan, and K. Gerlach, "Robust DOA Estimation: the Re-Iterative Super Resolution (RISR) Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 332-346, Jan. 2011, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2011.5705679.
  26. S.D. Blunt, P. Yatham, and J. Stiles, "Intrapulse Radar-Embedded Communications," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 1185-1200, July 2010, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2010.5545182.
  27. M. Popescu, S.D. Blunt, and T. Chan, "Magnetoencephalography Source Localization using the Source Affine Image Reconstruction (SAFFIRE) Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1652-1662, July 2010, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2010.2047858.
  28. S.D. Blunt and T. Higgins, "Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Efficient Adaptive Radar Pulse Compression," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 349-362, Jan. 2010.
  29. S.D. Blunt, A. Shackelford, K. Gerlach, and K.J. Smith, "Doppler Compensation & Single Pulse Imaging via Adaptive Pulse compression," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 647-659, Apr. 2009.
  30. A.K. Shackelford, K. Gerlach, and S.D. Blunt, "Partially Adaptive STAP using the FRACTA Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 58-69, Jan. 2009.
  31. S.D. Blunt, W. Dower, and K. Gerlach, "Hybrid Interference Suppression for Multistatic Radar," IET Radar, Sonar, & Navigation, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 323-333, Oct. 2008.
  32. M. Popescu, E.-A. Popescu, T.-P. Chan, S.D. Blunt, and J. Lewine, "Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Bilateral Auditory Steady State Responses using MEG Beamformers," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1092-1102, Mar. 2008.
  33. S.D. Blunt,K. Gerlach, and J. Heyer, "A New HRR Detector for Slow-Moving Targets in Sea-Clutter," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 965-974, July 2007.
  34. K. Gerlach and S.D. Blunt, "Radar Pulse Compression Repair," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 1188-1195, July 2007.
  35. K. Gerlach, A.K. Shackelford, and S.D. Blunt, "Combined Multistatic Adaptive Pulse Compression and Adaptive Beamforming for Shared-Spectrum Radar," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 137-146, June 2007.
  36. K. Gerlach and S.D. Blunt, "The Factored-SVD Formulation and an application example," Digital Signal Processing, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 199-208, January 2007.
  37. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, and M. Rangaswamy, "STAP using Knowledge-Aided Covariance Estimation and the FRACTA Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 891-903, July 2006.
  38. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Multistatic Adaptive Pulse Compression," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1043-1057, July 2006.
  39. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Adaptive Pulse Compression via MMSE Estimation," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 572-584, April 2006.
  40. S.D. Blunt and K.C. Ho, "An Iterative Approximate MAP Symbol Estimator for Uncoded Synchronous CDMA," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1663-1673, July 2005.
  41. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, "Efficient Robust AMF using the FRACTA Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 537-548, April 2005.
  42. K.R. Gerlach, S.D. Blunt, and M.L. Picciolo, "Robust Adaptive Matched Filtering using the FRACTA Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 929-945, July 2004.
  43. K.C. Ho and S.D. Blunt, "Rapid Identification of a Sparse Impulse Response Using an Adaptive Algorithm in the Haar Domain," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 628-638, March 2003.
  44. K.C. Ho and S.D. Blunt, "Adaptive Sparse System Identification using Wavelets," IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems II, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 656-667, October 2002.


  1. J.E. Quirk, P.M. McCormick, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, "Experimental demo of range disambiguation via slow-time coding & reiterative super-resolution," International Radar Conference, Rennes, France, 21-25 October 2024.
  2. C. Gish, J.W. Owen, A. Fontes, B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, "Experimental demonstration of multi-user radar/communications (MURC)," International Radar Conference, Rennes, France, 21-25 October 2024.
  3. D.G. Felton, J.W. Owen, M.B. Heintzelman, D.B. Herr, S.D. Blunt, "Improving Doppler robustness for optimized complementary FM waveform subsets," International Radar Conference, Rennes, France, 21-25 October 2024.
  4. J.W. Owen, C.C. Jones, P.M. McCormick, D.G. Felton, M.B. Heintzelman, J.E. Quirk, S.D. Blunt, "Analysis of spectrally efficient random FM radar waveforms," International Radar Conference, Rennes, France, 21-25 October 2024.
  5. J.C. Harrington, S.D. Blunt, N. Goodman, J.G. Metcalf, J.W. Owen, C.C. Jones, C. Schone, R.G. Mattingly, "Challenges and Prospective Solutions for Non-Uniform Radar Waveforms in a Shared Spectrum," IEEE Radar Conference, Denver, CO, 6-10 May 2024.
  6. M.B. Heintzelman, C.C. Jones, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, "Mismatched Complementary-on-Receive Filtering (MiCRFt) for MIMO Radar," IEEE Radar Conference, Denver, CO, 6-10 May 2024.
  7. E.L. Mokole, S.D. Blunt, "Some Current and Recent RF-Spectrum Research and Development, Applications, Management, and Interference Mitigation," IEEE Conf. on Antenna Measurements & Applications, Genoa, Italy, 15-17 Nov. 2023.
  8. T.J. Kramer, J.W. Owen, M.B. Heintzelman, S.D. Blunt, "On the Recycling of Random FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE International Radar Conference, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 Nov. 2023.
  9. T.J. Kramer, E.R. Biehl, M.B. Heintzelman, S.D. Blunt, E.D. Steinbach, "Compact Parameterization of Nonrepeating FMCW Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023. {2nd Place, Student Paper Contest}
  10. B. White, M.B. Heintzelman, S.D. Blunt, "Alternative "Bases" for Gradient-Based Optimization of Parameterized FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023. {Finalist, Student Paper Contest}
  11. J.W. Owen, P.M. McCormick, C.C. Jones, S.D. Blunt, "On the Optimality of Spectally Notched Radar Waveforms & Filter Designs," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023. (INVITED) {First Alternate, Student Paper Contest}
  12. D.G. Felton, C.C. Jones, D.B. Herr, L.A. Harnett, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, "Experimental Demonstration of Single Pulse Imaging (SPI)," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023.
  13. M.B. Heintzelman, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, B. Maio, E.D. Steinbach, "Practical Considerations for Optimal Mismatched Filtering of Nonrepeating Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023.
  14. R.J. Chang, D.B. Herr, J.W. Owen, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, J.M. Stiles, "On the Relationship Between Staggered PRI and Sparse Arrays," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023.
  15. B. Ravenscroft, A. Fontes, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Musgrove, "Physically Realizable Multi-User Radar/Communications (MuRC)," IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1-5 May 2023.
  16. J. Owen, C. Mohr, B. Ravenscroft, S. Blunt, B. Kirk, A. Martone, “Real-Time Experimental Demonstration and Evaluation of Open-Air Sense-and-Notch Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022. {1st Place, Student Paper Contest}
  17. C.C. Jones, Z.E. Gannon, D. DePardo, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, B.H. Kirk, “Development & Experimental Assessment of Robust Direction Finding and Self-Calibration,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022. {2nd Place, Student Paper Contest}
  18. M.B. Heintzelman, T.J. Kramer, S.D. Blunt, “Experimental Evaluation of Super-Gaussian-Shaped Random FM Waveforms,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022. {Finalist, Student Paper Contest}
  19. T.J. Kramer, M.B. Heintzelman, S.D. Blunt, “On the Repeated Use of Random FM Waveforms,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022.
  20. C.C. Jones, Z.E. Gannon, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, A.F. Martone, “An Adaptive Spectrogram Estimator to Enhance Signal Characterization,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022.
  21. L.A. Harnett, B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, “Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Doppler Estimation for PRI-Staggered Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY, 21-25 Mar. 2022.
  22. C.A. Mohr, S.D. Blunt, “Designing Random FM Radar Waveforms with Compact Spectrum,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toronto, Canada, 6-11 June 2021. (INVITED)
  23. C. Jones, B. Ravenscroft, J. Vogel, S.M. Shontz, T. Higgins, K. Wagner, S. Blunt, “Computationally efficient joint-domain clutter cancellation for waveform-agile radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, Atlanta, GA, 10-14 May 2021. {1st Place, Student Paper Contest}
  24. E.R. Biehl, C.A. Mohr, B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, "Assessment of Constant Envelope OFDM as a Class of Random FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, 21-25 Sept. 2020.
  25. A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, J.A. Kovarskiy, B.H. Kirk, J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, A. Egbert, A. Goad, A. Dockendorf, C.E. Thornton, R.M. Buehrer, R.M. Narayanan, S. Blunt, C. Baylis, "Practical Aspects of Cognitive Radar," IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, 21-25 Sept. 2020.
  26. A. Herschfelt, A. Chiriyath, D.W. Bliss, C.D. Richmond, U. Mitra, S.D. Blunt, "Vehicular RF Convergence: Simultaneous Radar, Communications, and PNT for Urban Air Mobility and Automotive Applications," IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, 21-25 Sept. 2020.
  27. A. Dockendorf, A. Egberg, A. Goad, C. Calabrese, B. Adkins, B. Ravenscroft, J. Owen, C. Baylis, S. Blunt, A. Martone, K. Gallagher, R.J. Marks II, “Impedance Tuning with Notched Waveforms for Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radar,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  28. A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, J.A. Kovarskiy, B.H. Kirk, C.E. Thornton, J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, A. Egbert, A. Goad, A. Dockendorf, M. Buehrer, R.M. Narayanan, S.D. Blunt, C. Baylis, “Metacognition for Radar Coexistence,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  29. J.G. Metcalf, C. Sahin, P. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, “Impact of Adjacent/Overlapping Communication Waveform Design within a Radar Spectrum Sharing Context,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020.
  30. C.A. Mohr, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, “Zero-Order Reconstruction Optimization of Waveforms (ZOROW) for Modest DAC Rates,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  31. C. Allen, L. Goodman, S.D. Blunt, D. Wikner, “Fast-Time Clutter Suppression in mm-Wave FMCW Low-IF Radar for Fast-Moving Objects,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  32. T.J. Kramer, S.D. Blunt, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Spectrally-Notched Random FM Waveforms,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  33. J.W. Owen, C.A. Mohr, B.H. Kirk, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, “Demonstration of Real-Time Cognitive Radar using Spectrally-Notched Random FM Waveforms,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  34. J.A. Kovarskiy, J.W. Owen, R.M. Narayanan, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, “Spectral Prediction and Notching of RF Emitters for Cognitive Radar Coexistence,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. (INVITED)
  35. B. Ravenscroft, J.W. Owen, B.H. Kirk, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, R.M. Narayanan, “Experimental Assessment of Joint Range-Doppler Processing to Address Clutter Modulation from Dynamic Radar Spectrum Sharing,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020.
  36. C.C. Jones, L.A. Harnett, C.A. Mohr, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, “Structure-Based Adaptive Radar Processing for Joint Clutter Cancellation and Moving Target Estimation,” 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 27-30 Apr. 2020. {2nd Place, Student Paper Contest} (INVITED)
  37. A. Dockendorf, A. Goad, C. Calabrese, B. Adkins, A. Egbert, J. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, C. Baylis, R.J. Marks II, S. Blunt, A. Martone, K. Sherbondy, E. Viveiros, "The impact of nonlinear power amplifier load impedance on notched waveforms for cognitive radar spectrum sharing," 2020 IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 26-29 Jan. 2020.
  38. B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, C. Sahin, J.G. Metcalf, “Experimental Assessment of Tandem-Hopped Radar and Communications (THoRaCs),” 2019 International Radar Conference, Toulon, France, 23-27 September 2019.
  39. C.A. Mohr and S.D. Blunt, “Design and Generation of Stochastically Defined, Pulsed FM Noise Waveforms,” 2019 International Radar Conference, Toulon, France, 23-27 September 2019.
  40. C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Optimized Stretch Processing Compensation for FMCW Phase-Attached Radar-Communications,” 2019 International Radar Conference, Toulon, France, 23-27 September 2019.
  41. C.C. Jones and S.D. Blunt, "Mismatched Complementary-on-Receive Filtering of Diverse FM Waveform Subsets,” 2019 International Radar Conference, Toulon, France, 23-27 September 2019. {Finalist, Best Paper Award} {Finalist, Best Young Scientist Paper Award}
  42. J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, and S.D. Blunt, “Devoid Clutter Capture and Filling (DeCCaF) to compensate for Intra-CPI Spectral Notch Variation,” 2019 International Radar Conference, Toulon, France, 23-27 September 2019.
  43. C.A. Mohr and S.D. Blunt, "Analytical Spectrum Representation for Physical Waveform Optimization Requiring Extreme Fidelity," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019.
  44. L. Harnett and S.D. Blunt, "Least-Squares Optimal Mismatched Doppler Processing," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019.
  45. C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, "Power-Efficient Multi-Beam Phase-Attached Radar/Communications," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019. (INVITED)
  46. P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, "FMCW Implementation of Phase-Attached Radar/Communications," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019. (INVITED)
  47. B. Ravenscroft, J.W. Owen, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, and K.D. Sherbondy, "Optimal Mismatched Filtering to Address Clutter Spread from Intra-CPI Variation of Spectral Notches," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019. {Finalist, Student Paper Contest}
  48. J. Owen, C. Mohr, S.D. Blunt, and K. Gallagher, "Nonlinear Radar via Intermodulation of Jointly Optimized FM Noise Waveform Pairs," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019.
  49. C.A. Mohr and S.D. Blunt, "FM Noise Waveforms Optimized According to a Temporal Template Error (TTE) Metric," IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA, 22-26 Apr. 2019. {2nd Place, Student Paper Contest}
  50. P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, "Physical Waveform Optimization for Multiple-Beam Multifunction Digital Arrays," IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 28-31 Oct. 2018. (INVITED)
  51. J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, B.H. Kirk, S.D. Blunt, C.T. Allen, A.F. Martone, K.D. Sherbondy, and R.M. Narayanan, "Experimental Demonstration of Cognitive Spectrum Sensing & Notching for Radar," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378690.
  52. C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, "Optimized Complementary Waveform Subsets within an FM Noise Radar CPI," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378642.
  53. C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and C. Mott, "Spectrally-Efficient FM Noise Radar Waveforms Optimized in the Logarithmic Domain," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378669.
  54. P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, "Shared-Spectrum Multistatic Radar: Experimental Demonstration using FM Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378685.
  55. G. Zook, P. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, "Fixational Eye Movement Radar: Random Spatial Modulation," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378667.
  56. J. Owen, S.D. Blunt, K. Gallagher, P. McCormick, C. Allen, and K. Sherbondy, "Nonlinear Radar via Intermodulation of FM Noise Waveform Pairs," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378689.
  57. D.M. Hemmingsen, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, A. Martone, K. Sherbondy, and D. Wikner, "Waveform-Diverse Stretch Processing," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378691.
  58. L. Harnett, D. Hemmingsen, P. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, A. Martone, K. Sherbondy, and D. Wikner, "Optimal and Adaptive Mismatch Filtering for Stretch Processing," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378641.
  59. B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, E. Perrins, and J.G. Metcalf, "A Power-Efficient Formulation of Tandem-Hopped Radar & Communications," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378708. (INVITED)
  60. P.S. Tan, J.M. Stiles, and S.D. Blunt, "Physically Realizing an Optimized Sparse Spectrum via Joint Design of a Collection of FM Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 23-27 Apr. 2018, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378645.
  61. G. Zook, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, and J. Jakabosky, "Dual-Polarized FM Noise Radar," IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Belfast, UK, 23-26 Oct. 2017, DOI:10.1049/cp.2017.0442.
  62. P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, "Gradient-based Coded-FM Waveform Design using Legendre Polynomials," IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Belfast, UK, 23-26 Oct. 2017, DOI:10.1049/cp.2017.0440.
  63. B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, A. Martone, and K. Sherbondy, "Analysis of Spectral Notching in FM Noise Radar using Measured Interference," IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Belfast, UK, 23-26 Oct. 2017, DOI:10.1049/cp.2017.0388. {Finalist, Best Student Paper}
  64. C. Sahin, J. Metcalf, and S. Blunt, "Characterization of Range Sidelobe Modulation Arising from Radar-Embedded Communications," IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Belfast, UK, 23-26 Oct. 2017, DOI:10.1049/cp.2017.0372. {Finalist, Best Industry Paper}
  65. P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, "Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Optimization of Polyphase-Coded FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944476.
  66. B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, and J.G. Metcalf, "Tandem-Hopped OFDM Communications in Spectral Gaps of FM Noise Radar," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944398.
  67. P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J. Metcalf, "Simultaneous Radar and Communication Emissions from a Common Aperture, Part I: Theory," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944478. (INVITED) {1st Place, Student Paper Contest}
  68. P.M. McCormick, A. Duly, B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, and J. Metcalf, "Simultaneous Radar and Communication Emissions from a Common Aperture, Part II: Experimentation," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944480. (INVITED)
  69. C. Sahin, J. Jakabosky, P. McCormick, J. Metcalf, and S. Blunt, "A Novel Approach for Embedding Communication Symbols into Physical Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944444. (INVITED)
  70. C. Sahin, J. Metcalf, and S. Blunt, "Filter Design to Address Range Sidelobe Modulation in Transmit-Encoded Radar-Embedded Communications," IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, WA, 8-12 May 2017, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944446. (INVITED)
  71. B.H. Kirk, J. Owen, R.M. Narayanan, S.D. Blunt, A.F. Martone, and K.D. Sherbondy, "Cognitive Software Defined Radar: Waveform Design for Clutter and Interference Suppression," SPIE Defense + Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 9-13 Apr. 2017.
  72. S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, E. Arnold, R. Hale, R. Hui, S. Keshmiri, C. Leuschen, J. Li, J. Paden, F. Rodriguez-Morales, A. Salandrino, and J. Stiles, "Radar Research at the University of Kansas," SPIE Defense + Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 9-13 Apr. 2017. (INVITED)
  73. A. Salandrino, P.M. McCormick, M.D. Balcazar, and S.D. Blunt, "Spatially Modulated Metamaterial Array for Transmit (SMMArT) and Slow-Leaky-Wave Antennas," IEEE Intl. Symp. Phased Array Systems & Technology, Waltham, MA, 18-21 Oct. 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ARRAY.2016.7832580. (INVITED)
  74. J. Jakabosky, B. Ravenscroft, S.D. Blunt, and A. Martone, "Gapped Spectrum Shaping for Tandem-Hopped Radar/Communications & Cognitive Sensing," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485067. (INVITED)
  75. P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J. Metcalf, "Joint Spectrum/Beampattern Design of Wideband MIMO Radar Emissions," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485240. (INVITED)
  76. A. Salandrino, D.J. Chachayma Farfan, P. McCormick, E.D. Symm, and S.D. Blunt, "Spatially Modulated Metamaterial Array for Transmit (SMMArT)," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485276.
  77. L. Harnett, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J. Metcalf, "Multi-Window Post-Doppler Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Waveform STAP," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485080.
  78. J.G. Metcalf, K.J. Sangston, M. Rangaswamy, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "A New Method of Generating Multivariate Weibull Distributed Data," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485287.
  79. P.S. Tan, J.M. Stiles, and S.D. Blunt, "Optimizing Sparse Allocation for Radar Spectrum Sharing," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485150.
  80. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "Spectral-Shape Optimized FM Noise Radar for Pulse Agility," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485298.
  81. P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, "A Gradient Descent Implementation of Adaptive Pulse Compression," IEEE Radar Conf., Philadelphia, PA, 2-6 May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2016.7485140. {3rd Place, Student Paper Contest}
  82. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and A. Martone, "Incorporating Hopped Spectral Gaps into Nonrecurrent Nonlinear FMCW Radar Emissions," IEEE Intl. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Cancun, Mexico, 13-16 Dec. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/CAMSAP.2015.7383791. (INVITED)
  83. E. Hornberger, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, "Partially Constrained Adaptive Beamforming for Super-Resolution at Low SNR," IEEE Intl. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Cancun, Mexico, 13-16 Dec. 2015, DOI: 10.1109/CAMSAP.2015.7383753.
  84. P. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, "Fast-Time 2-D Spatial Modulation of Physical Radar Emissions," Intl. Radar Symp, Dresden, Germany, 24-26 June 2015, DOI: 10.1109/IRS.2015.7226302. (INVITED)
  85. J. Metcalf, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "A Machine Learning Approach to Cognitive Radar Detection," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131215.
  86. P.S. Tan, J. Jakabosky, J.M. Stiles, and S.D. Blunt, "On Higher-Order Representations of Polyphase-Coded FM Radar Waveforms," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131044.
  87. D. Henke, P. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, "Practical Aspects of Optimal Mismatch Filtering and Adaptive Pulse Compression for FM Waveforms," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131167.
  88. P. McCormick, J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, and B. Himed, "Joint Polarization/Waveform Design and Adaptive Receive Processing," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131211. (INVITED)
  89. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "Waveform Design and Receive Processing for Nonrecurrent Nonlinear FMCW Radar," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131210.
  90. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, "Ultra-Low Sidelobe Waveform Design via Spectral Shaping and LINC Transmit Architecture," IEEE Intl. Radar Conf., Washington, DC, 11-15 May 2015, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131144. (INVITED)
  91. S.D. Blunt, J. Metcalf, J. Jakabosky, and B. Himed, "SINR Analysis of Multi-Waveform STAP," IEEE International Radar Conference, Lille, France, 13-17 October 2014, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2014.7060341. (INVITED)
  92. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "Optimization of "Over-Coded" Radar Waveforms," IEEE Radar Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 19-23 May 2014, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2014.6875831.
  93. S.D. Blunt, P. McCormick, T. Higgins, and M. Rangaswamy, "Spatially-Modulated Radar Waveforms Inspired by Fixational Eye Movement," IEEE Radar Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 19-23 May 2014, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2014.6875719.
  94. L. Ryan, J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, and L. Cohen, "Optimizing Polyphase-Coded FM Waveforms within a LINC Transmit Architecture," IEEE Radar Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 19-23 May 2014, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2014.6875706.
  95. J. Metcalf, S.D. Blunt, and B. Himed, "A Machine Learning Approach to Distribution Identification of Non-Gaussian Clutter," IEEE Radar Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 19-23 May 2014, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2014.6875688.
  96. B.D. Cordill, S.A. Seguin, and S.D. Blunt, "Mutual Coupling Calibration using the Reiterative Superresolution (RISR) Algorithm," IEEE Radar Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 19-23 May 2014.
  97. S.A. Seguin, J. Jakabosky, B.D. Cordill, and S. Blunt, "Phased Array Antenna Model-in-the-Loop Radar Waveform Optimization," IEEE Intl. Conf. on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, Tel Aviv, Isreal, 21-23 Oct. 2013. (INVITED)
  98. S.A. Seguin, J. Jakabosky, and S.D. Blunt, "Hardware-in-the-Loop Radar Waveform Optimization using Radiated Emissions," IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Conf., Denver, CO, 5-9 August 2013. (INVITED)
  99. H. Griffiths, S. Blunt, L. Cohen, L. Savy, “Challenge Problems in Spectrum Engineering and Waveform Diversity,” IEEE Radar Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 29 April - 3 May, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2013.6586140. (INVITED)
  100. J. Jakabosky, L. Ryan, and S.D. Blunt, “Transmitter-in-the-Loop Optimization of Distorted OFDM Radar Emissions,” IEEE Radar Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 29 April - 3 May, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2013.6586121.
  101. S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, J. Metcalf, J. Stiles, and B. Himed, “Multi-Waveform STAP,” IEEE Radar Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 29 April - 3 May, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2013.6586089.
  102. J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, M.R. Cook, J. Stiles, and S.A. Seguin, “Transmitter-in-the-Loop Optimization of Physical Radar Emissions,” IEEE Radar Conference, Atlanta, GA, 7-11 May 2012. {Finalist, Student Paper Contest}
  103. J. Metcalf, S. Blunt, and E. Perrins, “Detector Design and Intercept Metrics for Intra-Pulse Radar-Embedded Communications,” IEEE Military Communications Conference, Baltimore, MD, 7-10 Nov. 2011.
  104. B. Cordill, J. Metcalf, S.A. Seguin, D. Chatterjee, and S.D. Blunt, “The Impact of Mutual Coupling on MIMO Radar Emissions,” IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turino, Italy, 12-17 Sept. 2011. (INVITED)
  105. T. Higgins, K. Gerlach, A.K. Shackelford, and S.D. Blunt, “Non-Identical Multiple Pulse Compression and Clutter Cancellation," IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, 23-27 May 2011.
  106. J. Jakabosky, P. Anglin, M. Cook, S.D. Blunt, and J. Stiles, “Non-Linear FM Waveform Design using Marginal Fisher’s Information within the CPM Framework,” IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, 23-27 May 2011.
  107. M. Cook, S.D. Blunt, and J. Jakabosky, “Optimization of Waveform Diversity and Performance for Pulse-Agile Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO, 23-27 May 2011.
  108. T. Higgins, S.D. Blunt, and A.K. Shackelford, “Time-Range Adaptive Processing for Pulse Agile Radar,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, 8-13 Aug. 2010.
  109. S.D. Blunt, M.R. Cook, and J. Stiles, “Embedding Information into Radar Emissions via Waveform Implementation,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, 8-13 Aug., 2010. (INVITED)
  110. S.D. Blunt and J.G. Metcalf, “Using Time Reversal of Multipath for Intra-Pulse Radar-Embedded Communications,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, 8-13 Aug., 2010.
  111. T. Higgins, S.D. Blunt, and A.K. Shackelford, “Space-Range Adaptive Processing for Waveform-Diverse Radar Imaging,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, 10-14 May 2010.
  112. S.D. Blunt and J.G. Metcalf, “Estimating Temporal Multipath via Spatial Selectivity: Building Environmental Knowledge into Waveform Design for Radar-Embedded Communications,” IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turino, Italy, 14-18 Sept. 2009. (INVITED)
  113. S.D. Blunt, M. Cook, E. Perrins, and J. de Graaf, “CPM-Based Radar Waveforms for Efficiently Bandlimiting a Transmitted Spectrum,” IEEE Radar Conference, Pasadena, CA, 4-8 May 2009.
  114. T. Higgins, S.D. Blunt, and K. Gerlach, “Gain-Constrained Adaptive Pulse Compression via an MVDR Framework,” IEEE Radar Conference, Pasadena, CA, 4-8 May 2009.
  115. S.D. Blunt and C. Biggs, “Practical Considerations for Intra-Pulse Radar-Embedded Communications,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Orlando, FL, 8-13 Feb. 2009, pp. 244-248.
  116. T. Higgins and S.D. Blunt, “Analysis of Range-Angle Coupled Beamforming with Frequency-Diverse Chirps,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Orlando, FL, 8-13 Feb. 2009, pp. 140-144.
  117. S.D. Blunt, T. Chan, and K. Gerlach, “A New Framework for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation,” IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, 21-23 July 2008.
  118. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, and E. Mokole, “Pulse Compression Eclipsing Repair,” IEEE Radar Conference, Rome, Italy, 26-30 May 2008, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2008.4720725.
  119. S.D. Blunt, W. Dower, and K. Gerlach, “Hybrid Adaptive Receive Processing for Multistatic Radar,” Intl. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 12-14 Dec. 2007, pp. 5-8. (INVITED)
  120. S.D. Blunt, J. Stiles, C. Allen, D. Deavours, and E. Perrins, “Diversity Aspects of Radar-Embedded Communications,” IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turino, Italy, 17-21 Sept. 2007, pp. 439-442. (INVITED)
  121. S.D. Blunt and P. Yatham, “Waveform Design for Radar-Embedded Communications,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, 4-8 June 2007, pp. 214-218. (INVITED)
  122. A.K. Shackelford, J. de Graaf, S. Talapatra, K. Gerlach, and S.D Blunt, “Shared-Spectrum Multistatic Radar: Preliminary Experimental Results,” International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, 4-8 June 2007, pp. 443-447.
  123. S.D. Blunt and T. Higgins, “Achieving Real-Time Efficiency for Adaptive Radar Pulse Compression,” 2007 IEEE Radar Conference, Waltham, MA, 17-20 April 2007, pp. 116-121.
  124. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, and T. Higgins, “Aspects of Radar Range Super-Resolution,” IEEE Radar Conference, Waltham, MA, 17-20 April 2007, pp. 683-687.
  125. A.K. Shackelford, J. de Graaf, S. Talapatra, S.D. Blunt, and K. Gerlach, “Adaptive Pulse Compression: Preliminary Experimental Results”, IEEE Radar Conference, Waltham, MA, 17-20 April 2007, pp. 234-237.
  126. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “A Generalized Formulation for Adaptive Pulse Compression of Multistatic Radar,” Fourth IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-Channel Processing (SAM), Waltham, MA, 12-14 July 2006, pp. 349-353.
  127. S.D. Blunt, K.J. Smith, and K. Gerlach, “Doppler-Compensated Adaptive Pulse Compression,” IEEE Radar Conference, Verona, NY, 24-27 April 2006.
  128. K. Gerlach, A. Shackelford, and S.D. Blunt, “A Novel Approach to Shared-Spectrum Multistatic Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, Verona, NY, 24-27 April 2006.
  129. K. Gerlach, A. Shackelford, and S.D. Blunt, “Performance Enhancement of the FRACTA Algorithm via Dimensionality Reduction: Results from KASSPER I,” IEEE Radar Conference, Verona, NY, 24-27 April 2006.
  130. S.D. Blunt, A. Shackelford, and K. Gerlach, “Single Pulse Imaging,” International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, Lihue, Hawaii, 22-27 January 2006.
  131. K. Gerlach, A. Shackelford, and S.D. Blunt, “Combined Adaptive Pulse Compression and Adaptive Beamforming for Multistatic Shared-Spectrum Radar,” International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, Lihue, Hawaii, 22-27 January 2006.
  132. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Aspects of Multistatic Adaptive Pulse Compression,” IEEE International Radar Conf., Arlington, VA, 9-12 May 2005, pp. 104-108.
  133. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Adaptive Pulse Compression Repair Processing,” IEEE International Radar Conf., Arlington, VA, 9-12 May 2005, pp. 519-523.
  134. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Joint Adaptive Pulse Compression to Enable Multi-Static Radar,” International Waveform Diversity and Design Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, 8-10 Nov. 2004.
  135. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Adaptive Repair of Pulse-Compressed Radar Waveforms: Seeing the Trees Despite the Forest,” International Waveform Diversity and Design Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, 8-10 Nov. 2004.
  136. S.D. Blunt, K. Gerlach, and M. Rangaswamy, “The Enhanced FRACTA Algorithm with Knowledge-Aided Covariance Estimation,” Third IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array & Multichannel Processing (SAM), Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 July 2004, pp. 638-642.
  137. S.D. Blunt and K.C. Ho, “Iterative MAP Multiuser Detection of Synchronous CDMA with Channel Distortion,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 23-26 May 2004, vol. 3, pp. 441-444.
  138. S.D. Blunt and K.C. Ho, “Iterative MAP Symbol Estimation for Constant Modulus Constellations in Synchronous CDMA,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 17-21 May 2004, pp. 893-896.
  139. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Efficient Robust AMF Using the Enhanced FRACTA Algorithm: Results from KASSPER I & II,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 26-29 Apr. 2004, pp. 372-377.
  140. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Adaptive Pulse Compression,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 26-29 Apr. 2004, pp. 271-276.
  141. S.D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “Non-Coherent Detection of Slow-Moving Targets in High-Resolution Sea Clutter,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 26-29 Apr. 2004, pp. 345-348.
  142. K.R. Gerlach and S.D. Blunt, “Efficient Reiterative Censoring of Robust STAP using the FRACTA Algorithm,” IEEE International Conference on Radar, Adelaide, Australia, 3-5 Sept. 2003, pp. 57-61. (INVITED)
  143. S. D. Blunt and K. Gerlach, “A Novel Pulse Compression Scheme Based on Minimum Mean-Square Error Reiteration,” IEEE International Conference on Radar, Adelaide, Australia, 3-5 Sept. 2003, pp. 349-353.
  144. K.C. Ho and S.D. Blunt, “Enhanced Adaptive Sparse Algorithms Using the Haar Wavelet,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Phoenix, AZ, 26-29 May 2002, vol. 3, pp. 45-48.
  145. S.D. Blunt and K.C. Ho, “A Novel Sparse Adaptive Algorithm Using Wavelets,” IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits & Systems, Phoenix, AZ, 26-29 May 2002, vol. 3, pp. 37-40.
  146. S.D. Blunt and K.C. Ho, “An Iterative Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimator for Multiuser Detection in Synchronous CDMA Systems,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing, Orlando, FL, 13-17 May 2002, pp. 2313-2316.
  147. K.C. Ho and S.D. Blunt, “Novel Sparse Adaptive Algorithm in the Haar Transform Domain,” IEEE International. Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-9 June 2000, vol. 1, pp. 452-455.
  148. K.C. Ho and S.D. Blunt, “Convergence Behavior of Two Adaptive Filters in Tandem,” IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Las Cruces, NM, 8-11 Aug. 1999, vol. 2, pp. 630-633.


Supervised Theses/Dissertations

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Selected Presentations

Radar Education

Radar Systems Engineering

Signal Estimation

Radar Receive Processing

Dual-Function Radar/Communications

Diverse Waveform Design

Cognitive Radar Spectrum Sharing

Awards & Honors

In the News

Honors/Awards - Research

Honors/Awards - Teaching

  • Harry Talley Excellence in Teaching Award, KU EECS Department (2008, 2013)
  • Celebration of Teaching Honoree for EECS, KU Center for Teaching Excellence (2013)
  • Donald K. Anderson Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award, University of Missouri (2000)

Honors/Awards - Service

  • Miller Professional Development Award for Distinguished Service to the Engineering Profession, KU School of Engineering (2019)

Research Honors/Awards of Current & Former Students


  • Director, Kansas Applied Research Lab (KARL) (2018-present)
  • Director, KU Radar Systems & Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) (2011-present)
  • Inaugural Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. Radar Systems (2022-present)
  • Senior Editor for Radar Systems, IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2022)
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2008-2021)
  • Editorial Board, IET Radar, Sonar, & Navigation (2008-present)
  • Chair, IEEE/AESS Radar Systems Panel (2018-2020)
  • Member, IEEE/AESS Radar Systems Panel (2008-2020)
  • Member, IEEE/AESS Board of Governors (2018-2019)
  • Technical Chair, 2023 IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX
  • Technical Chair, 2022 IEEE Radar Conference, New York City, NY
  • Technical Chair, 2018 IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Chair, Conferences Committee, IEEE/AESS Radar Systems Panel (2012-2018)
  • Chair, IEEE/AESS Nathanson Memorial Award Committee (2014-2018)
  • Contributed to update of IEEE Standard 686 - Standard Radar Definitions (2016)
  • Faculty Advisor, KU IEEE student chapter (2012-2015)
  • General Chair, 2011 IEEE Radar Conference, Kansas City, MO


  • IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
  • IEEE Signal Processing Society
  • Association of Old Crows
  • Eta Kappa Nu
  • Tau Beta Pi

International Research Engagement

  • Technical Evaluator, NATO SET-265 research specialists' meeting on Compressive Sensing, Salamanca, Spain (2019)
  • Member, NATO SET-227 research task group on Cognitive Radar (2015-2017)
  • Chair, NATO SET-179 research task group on Dynamic Waveform Diversity & Design (2011-2014)
  • Co-Chair, NATO SET-204 research specialists' meeting on Waveform Diversity, Berlin, Germany (2014)
  • Member, NATO SET-182 research task group on Radar Spectrum Engineering & Management (2011-2014)

Graduate Students

  • Lucia Baquerizo, currently pursuing PhD EE
  • Faris El-Katri, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Cody Gish, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Tristan Hardy, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Logan Satterfield, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Audrey Mockenhaupt, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Bayn Schrader, currently pursuing MS EE
  • Jennifer Quirk, currently pursuing PhD EE
  • David Felton, currently pursuing PhD EE
  • Dr. Daniel Herr (PhD EE) now with MIT Lincoln Lab in Lexington, MA (co-advised with Prof. Jim Stiles)
  • Dr. Matthew Heintzelman (PhD EE), now a Research Asst. Professor at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
  • Dr. Ibikunle Oluwanisola (PhD EE) co-advised with Dr. John Paden
  • Dr. Christian Jones (PhD EE), now with the Radar Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC
  • Bahozhoni White (MS EE), now with Sandia National Labs - Integrated Telemetry Systems in Albuquerque, NM
  • Rachel Chang (MS EE), exploring her options
  • Dr. Jonathan Owen (PhD EE), now a Research Asst. Professor at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
  • Dr. Brandon Ravenscroft (PhD EE), now with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, MD
  • Thomas Kramer (MS EE), currently pursuing PhD EE, now with Honeywell FM&T in Kansas City, MO
  • Dr. Lumumba Harnett (PhD EE, MS EE), now with Leidos, Inc. in Arlington, VA
  • Zeus Gannon (MS EE), now at University of Central Florida pursuing PhD EE (co-advised with Prof. Chris Allen)
  • Dr. Charles Mohr (PhD EE, MS EE), was with the Sensors Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory, now a Research Asst. Professor at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
  • Dr. Shadi Pir Hosseinloo (PhD EE), now with the acoustics team at Apple (co-advised with Prof. Jon Brumberg of KU Dept. of Speech, Language, Hearing)
  • Dr. Mohanad Al-Ibadi (PhD EE), now with the Engineering Technical College of Najaf in Najaf, Iraq (co-advised with Dr. John Paden)
  • Dana Hemmingsen (MS EE), now with Honeywell FM&T in Kansas City, MO
  • Garrett Zook (MS EE), now with L3 Advanced Systems & Technology in Plano, TX
  • Dr. Patrick McCormick (PhD EE), was with the Sensors Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, now an Asst. Prof. in the KU EECS Department.
  • Dr. Peng Seng (Isaac) Tan (PhD EE), now with Eaton Cooper Lighting in Peachtree City, GA (co-advised with Prof. Jim Stiles)
  • Audrey Seybert (MS EE), now with Honeywell FM&T in Kansas City, MO (co-advised with Prof. Chris Allen)
  • Dakota Henke (MS EE), was with Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, and is now with KBR in Ann Arbor, MI
  • Erik Hornberger (MS EE), now with Sumitomo Heavy Industries in Yokohama, Japan
  • Lane Ryan (MS EE), now with Honeywell FM&T in Kansas City, MO (co-advised with Prof. Chris Allen)
  • Dr. Justin Metcalf (PhD EE, MS EE), was with AFRL Sensors Directorate, now an Asst. Professor at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
  • John Jakabosky (MEng EECS), now with the Radar Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC
  • Matthew Cook (MS EE), now with Garmin in Olathe, KS
  • Casey Biggs (MS EE), now with 13iggs Consulting in Lawrence, KS
  • Tsz Ping (Charley) Chan (MS EE), now with Bloomberg L.P. in New York, NY
  • Padmaja Yatham (MS EE), now with La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia
  • Dr. William Dower (MS EE), now with Raytheon in El Segundo, CA and also received PhD EE from the University of Oklahoma in 2017
  • Dr. Thomas Higgins (PhD EE, MS EE), now with the Radar Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC

Supervised Theses/Dissertations