Optimizing gem5 Simulator Performance: Profiling Insights and Userspace Networking Enhancements

Student Name: Johnson Umeike
Defense Date:
Location: Nichols Hall, Room 250 (Gemini Room)
Chair: Mohammad Alian

Prasad Kulkarni

Heechul Yun


Full-system simulation of computer systems is critical for capturing the complex interplay between various hardware and software components in future systems. Modeling the network subsystem is indispensable for the fidelity of full-system simulations due to the increasing importance of scale-out systems. Over the last decade, the network software stack has undergone major changes, with userspace networking stacks and data-plane networks rapidly replacing the conventional kernel network stack. Nevertheless, the current state-of-the-art architectural simulator, gem5, still employs kernel networking, which precludes realistic network application scenarios.

First, we perform a comprehensive profiling study to identify and propose architectural optimizations to accelerate a state-of-the-art architectural simulator. We choose gem5 as the representative architectural simulator, run several simulations with various configurations, perform a detailed architectural analysis of the gem5 source code on different server platforms, tune both system and architectural settings for running simulations, and discuss the future opportunities in accelerating gem5 as an important application. Our detailed profiling of gem5 reveals that its performance is extremely sensitive to the size of the L1 cache. Our experimental results show that a RISC-V core with 32KB data and instruction cache improves gem5’s simulation speed by 31%∼61% compared with a baseline core with 8KB L1 caches. Second, this work extends gem5’s networking capabilities by integrating kernel-bypass/user-space networking based on the DPDK framework, significantly enhancing network throughput and reducing latency. By enabling user-space networking, the simulator achieves a substantial 6.3× improvement in network bandwidth compared to traditional Linux software stacks. Our hardware packet generator model (EtherLoadGen) provides up to a 2.1× speedup in simulation time. Additionally, we develop a suite of networking micro-benchmarks for stress testing the host network stack, allowing for efficient evaluation of gem5’s performance. Through detailed experimental analysis, we characterize the performance differences when running the DPDK network stack on both real systems and gem5, highlighting the sensitivity of DPDK performance to various system and microarchitecture parameters.

Degree: MS Thesis Defense (CoE)
Degree Type: MS Thesis Defense
Degree Field: Computer Engineering