KU WIC Members Attend the Grace Hopper Celebration Conference

Fifteen members of KU Women In Computing (WIC) attended the Grace Hopper Celebration, an international conference for women computer scientists, from September 20-23, 2022. During the conference, the WIC members networked with prestigious businesses, attended stimulating talks on cutting-edge technologies, and met with inspirational figures. Many WIC members were interviewed by companies such as Northrop Grumman, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan, John Deere, and PwC and subsequently received job offers. The WIC members also attended social events including a talk by a former NASA astronaut. The event enhanced the WIC members' knowledge of key female computer scientists, boosted their confidence, and strengthened their bonds.
The conference included 200+ in-person sessions in 14 focus areas and 68 presentations in the Anita Borg Studio and an impressive list of speakers.
Below are some WIC members photos from the conference.