Information Theoretic Physical Waveform Design with Application to Waveform-Diverse Adaptive-on-Transmit Radar
Chris Allen
Shannon Blunt
Carl Leuschen
Chris Depcik
Information theory provides methods for quantifying the information content of observed signals and has found application in the radar sensing space for many years. Here, we examine a type of information derived from Fisher information known as Marginal Fisher Information (MFI) and investigate its use to design pulse-agile waveforms. By maximizing this form of information, the expected error covariance about an estimation parameter space may be minimized. First, a novel method for designing MFI optimal waveforms given an arbitrary waveform model is proposed and analyzed. Next, a transformed domain approach is proposed in which the estimation problem is redefined such that information is maximized about a linear transform of the original estimation parameters. Finally, informationally optimal waveform design is paired with informationally optimal estimation (receive processing) and are combined into a cognitive radar concept. Initial experimental results are shown and a proposal for continued research is presented.