Faster than Thought Error Detection Using Machine Learning to Detect Errors in Brain Computer Interfaces

Student Name: Jonathan Rogers
Defense Date:
Location: Eaton Hall, Room 2001B
Chair: Suzanne Shontz

Adam Rouse

Cuncong Zhong


This research thesis seeks to use machine learning on data from invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) in rhesus macaques to predict their state of movement during center-out tasks. Our research team breaks down movements into discrete states and analyzes the data using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). We find that a simplified model that ignores the biological systems unpinning it can still detect the discrete state changes with a high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, when we account for underlying systems, our model achieved high levels of accuracy at speeds that ought to be imperceptible to the primate brain.

Degree: MS Thesis Defense (CS)
Degree Type: MS Thesis Defense
Degree Field: Computer Science