Enhancing Security and Privacy of IoT Systems: Uncovering and Resolving Cross-App Threats

Student Name: Zhaohui Wang
Defense Date:
Location: Nichols Hall, Room 250 (Gemini Room)
Chair: Fengjun Li

Alex Bardas

Drew Davidson

Bo Luo

Haiyang Chao


The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has brought unprecedented convenience to our daily lives, enabling users to customize automation rules and develop IoT apps to meet their specific needs. However, as IoT devices interact with multiple apps across various platforms, users are exposed to complex security and privacy risks. Even interactions among seemingly harmless apps can introduce unforeseen security and privacy threats.

In this work, we introduce two innovative approaches to uncover and address these concealed threats in IoT environments. The first approach investigates hidden cross-app privacy leakage risks in IoT apps. These risks arise from cross-app chains that are formed among multiple seemingly benign IoT apps. Our analysis reveals that interactions between apps can expose sensitive information such as user identity, location, tracking data, and activity patterns. We quantify these privacy leaks by assigning probability scores to evaluate the risks based on inferences. Additionally, we provide a fine-grained categorization of privacy threats to generate detailed alerts, enabling users to better understand and address specific privacy risks. To systematically detect cross-app interference threats, we propose to apply principles of logical fallacies to formalize conflicts in rule interactions. We identify and categorize cross-app interference by examining relations between events in IoT apps. We define new risk metrics for evaluating the severity of these interferences and use optimization techniques to resolve interference threats efficiently. This approach ensures comprehensive coverage of cross-app interference, offering a systematic solution compared to the ad hoc methods used in previous research.

To enhance forensic capabilities within IoT, we integrate blockchain technology to create a secure, immutable framework for digital forensics. This framework enables the identification, tracing, storage, and analysis of forensic information to detect anomalous behavior. Furthermore, we developed a large-scale, manually verified, comprehensive dataset of real-world IoT apps. This clean and diverse benchmark dataset supports the development and validation of IoT security and privacy solutions. Each of these approaches has been evaluated using our dataset of real-world apps, collectively offering valuable insights and tools for enhancing IoT security and privacy against cross-app threats.

Degree: PhD Comprehensive Defense (CS)
Degree Type: PhD Comprehensive Defense
Degree Field: Computer Science