Cerner Software Developer to Speak on Big Data

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has invited a software developer from Cerner to discuss how the company uses big data.The talk will start at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, in 3150 Learned Hall.

What does Big Data really mean and how is it employed? Prepare to have your questions answered by Micah Whitacre of Cerner Corporation. Covering topics including the Hadoop non-relational database and techniques of data extraction and analysis, Whitacre will deliver a presentation on how Cerner collects large sets of data from the health care field and then puts them to use.

ACM's newly minted Tech Talk series will bring you professionals from the field of computing who will discuss today's most intriguing technologies and the problem spaces they're employed in. It's a wide world of tools and frameworks out there, come find out which ones some of the most successful companies rely on and hear about the novel ways they use them